While we cannot offer antiques research help, valuation or appraisal information to visitors for their specific items, we can point you to the following valuable and trusted resources on the Internet:
Kovels – Kovels is a trusted name in antiques and their site offers a great deal of information on antiques including marks, price guides, resources and quite a bit of premium content. Created by the Kovel’s, the name is a well recognized authority on antiques. They have created many price guides for general antiques and for specific antiques niches.
Antiques Research Guide – This is a great resource for learning how to research your antiques and collectibles online. Also includes recommended research tools and books.
Antiques Roadshow – The official site for the U.S. version of the popular antiques appraisal show. Watch clips, read articles and get the show schedule.
Antiques Roadshow UK – The UK version of the show is fantastic. The official site has clips and full shows to watch, though you need to be in the UK or use a web proxy to watch them.